Rio Brazos Outfitters, Inc.
New Mexico Archery Elk $8,000
5 days, 6 nights …plus tax and license
New Mexico Rifle Elk $8,500 first rifle hunt
5 days, 6 nights $8.000 2nd and 3rd rifle hunt
…plus tax and license
New Mexico Antelope $3,250
3 days … plus tax and license
New Mexico Mule Deer $8,000
5 days, 6 nights … plus tax and license
Texas Barbary Sheep $5,500
3 days, 4 nights
NOTE: Barbary Sheep are available as a single-species hunt,or they
can be added as a combination hunt with Whitetail or Mule Deer
All hunts include:
5 days guied hunting 2 on 1
6 nights lodging and meals
Not included are:
New Mexico Sales Tax currently at 6.875% (subject to change)
New Mexico License Fees $634.00 (subject to change)
No Alcohol Provided
Meat Processing & Taxidermy Not Included
**Landowner elk (New Mexico) licenses are guaranteed.